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The wheel of names is a free online selection wheel for random names. You can also add multiple wheels to expand the possibilities of how you can use this name wheel generator. First, replace the entries with your own name list to instantly create a new name wheel that you can spin.

How to use the wheel of names

The wheel can be used for a variety of purposes, such as randomly selecting names for a draw or a game, generating ideas for a group project, or simply as inspiration for something that needs naming. Follow these steps to use the name wheel:

  1. Compile a list of names you want to put on the wheel. This could be a list of people’s names, place names, or any other type of names you wish to use.
  2. Create a wheel with the names on it. There are two ways to do this: either by typing names directly into the edit box, each separated by a carriage return, or by pasting a copied column of names from a spreadsheet or a list of names from a text file.
  3. Spin the wheel to select a name. You can do this manually by tapping or clicking anywhere on the wheel. A random number generator is used to determine which name is selected.
  4. Use the selected name for your intended purpose. For example, if you are using the wheel to choose a name for a draw, the selected name could be the winner. If you are using the wheel to generate ideas for a group project, the selected name could be the starting point for brainstorming ideas related to that name.

Overall, a name wheel can be a fun and interactive way to select names or generate ideas for a variety of purposes.

What can I use a wheel of names for?

The main purpose of creating a name wheel is generally to randomly select a person from a group, giving everyone a fair chance to be chosen.

For instance, you might use it to choose a student to answer a question in the classroom. You could decide which person wins a contest or prize draw when the wheel is spun. If you can’t agree on who should sit in the aisle seat on a flight or bus trip, this name wheel can be an ideal tool.

There are also many other uses for this name decision wheel. Perhaps it could be used to decide what to eat when faced with a full fridge – just use food items instead of names. Check out the other pages with ready-made wheels (link at the bottom of the page) for more ideas.

Can I create multiple wheels?

In a word, yes! Although a name wheel generator on its own can be useful for many purposes, even more is possible when combining multiple wheels of names.

This is the first website to offer spinner functionality with multiple wheels and a variety of editable options.

How to create additional name wheels

To create more than one name wheel, simply click on the Add icon. Up to eight wheels can be used per page.

Each wheel can be customised with its own attributes. The wheels can be spun individually or simultaneously, and we find that it looks best in full-screen mode on a desktop computer.

Of course, the additional wheels you create do not have to contain names. They can be filled with any information you need. Once set up, you have a variety of ways to use and configure each of the wheels.

How to change the appearance of the wheel of names

To spruce up your page that contains your name wheel(s), check out the Design function in the main menu. From here, you can choose from pre-made themes for instant satisfaction.

This menu also has a configuration option that allows you to adjust the background of the page to match the mood or purpose of the name wheel. This could be an image from a vast photo database or, if preferred, a colour.

For an even more refined, personalised touch, explore the Edit submenu on each name selection wheel. Using the gear icon, you can change the music, sound effects, colour palette (including number of colours), spin duration, and even add images to bring your name wheels to life. The possibilities are nearly endless with this incredibly flexible name wheel. Go ahead and give it a try.

50 name wheel theme templates

We have created 50 preconfigured name wheel themes that you can access in one click from here. Enjoy it!

Wheel of names